The Freedom Movement is Divided, and the Liberal Government predicted it would happen!
We have a big problem in the Freedom Movement today and the problem, right now, is us. We need to get back to our roots.
When the pandemic began, the government created fear and panic within the public. When the lockdowns and restrictions hit, the public became desperate to have a remedy that would allow them to “get back to normal”.
The vaccine was the remedy and the panic and desperation led people to take it because they relied on the government’s information as honest and unquestionable.
Few were courageous enough to seek outside opinions, especially amongst the highly paid white-collar professions.
When ordinary Canadians had enough of the Government’s overreach, at every level, they got organized and took to the streets to protest. Small grassroots groups, inspired thousands of people to come together under a single cause, under one banner.
But, the publics reaction, last January across Canada was something new, because it was a reaction we had when all levels of Gov acted so aggressively towards every aspect of our lives.
As time has passed, we’re learning new truths that our governments can no longer continue to hide about the decisions they made, which blatantly harmed our society.
Decisions that destabilized our confidence in every institution in our society. Decisions that destroyed families, businesses, and our trust in humanity as a whole.
What happened in Canada last January, inspired hope and it gave people courage to come forward, despite the government’s every effort to keep us segregated and afraid.
When civil unrest became common place, Governments tightened their grip on the people, even harder, with increased fines and unconscionable arrests by police. The Police were used as a tool to oppress people who just wanted their Rights protected. At the very least, we wanted a transparent justification for why the Gov was so aggressive towards us.
On the contrary, the Government did everything they could to sensor what resembled transparency and completely killed any opportunity for debate.
Many of us thought the Police would be on our side. For the vast majority of the time in the last 2.5 years, we were wrong! From my perspective, too many Police have been on their own side, only to inoculate themselves from economic hardships.
Today, I don’t want to focus on the Police, or the Government. I want to focus on you.
Not long ago, in a speech I gave publicly, I asked for people to be patient and to let the legal system finally start to work, in the way it was always intended. I quoted Napoleon who said, “Never interrupt your enemy when he’s making a mistake”.
For many, this was a message that resonated well. For others, it provoked the exact opposite reaction.
Within the Freedom movement, many are looking for a bold and decisive victory, and they are growing impatient after all this time.
From my own analysis and conversations, this is the wrong time. I say this because no level of Gov has done anything provocative all summer and the vast majority of Canadian’s feel life is returning to normal. Currently, there is not enough public support for protesting
There are very few Vax mandates, other than for the Military and all mask mandates are confined to very few places. It is true that mandates still exist, but they have been “suspended”.
But for many, that’s as good as being completely removed. After all this time, the public has extreme fatigue from anything related to Covid.
If we’re patient, the Gov will almost certainly poke another angry bear, by doing what they have been hinting at, which is bringing back mandates if they don’t see a certain threshold of boosters being met.
If we are patient, the Government will provide ample opportunity for the public, to once again, become highly agitated.
If we are impatient, and provoke a situation, we will write the Gov’s narrative for them, and they’ll take full advantage of an opportunity to go after anyone who disagrees with them.
Trying to arrest Police, at the police station, was as reckless as it was stupid. Anyone who was convinced that was a good idea is only being taken advantage of.
I fundamentally disagree with any actions that attempts by-pass or creatively subvert the current legal system of law and order.
We have many people, withing the freedom movement, who subscribe to the Supremacy of the Bill of Rights, in terms of its ability to win court decisions for actions taken, against the public, during lockdowns. 40 years ago, that may have been the correct approach.
But it’s been 40 years since we have had the Charter of Rights and Freedoms. We have it because the Bill was not robust enough and Canadians did not have adequate protection from Government overreach. Why do I know this? Because I learned it directly from Premiere Brian Peckford himself, not in a book. He helped write the Charter of Rights and Freedoms and he’s the last living member of the Government that drafted it, which makes him the most credible Canadian alive to learn about the intent of the Charter.
I want to highlight one very important point, regarding our legal system. It doesn’t matter what system we have, whether it’s Bill or Charter centric, if either the Police or the Courts don’t uphold it or When they don’t abide by it, does it matter which system we have?
Advocating for an old or radical legal framework, isn’t going to do a dam thing, if the Courts and Gov, who control the Police, don’t respect our Rights according to law?
The question is, how did we get here? One explanation is that until recently, the courts relied on the Government’s word, that they were acting in the best interest of public safety. They relied on something called Judicial Notice.
Judicial Notice, is the acceptance of a fact without proof.
Members of the courts, including Judges, are also members of the public who watch the news and are just as susceptible, as the public, when it comes to the constant fear mongering generated by the media and the Governments.
Judges, relied on their media induced bias, about the dangers of Covid, and the efficacy of the vaccine, and accepted the Gov’s position, as a fact, without proof.
Judicial Notice is still a recognized principle of law which may be challenged by compelling and reliable evidence to the contrary.
Recently, a court decision ruled that the Government’s word could no longer be trusted.
In a recent case, (M.M. v. W.A.K.), 2022 ONSC 4580, the Honorable Justice J.C. Corkery stated:
“Why should we be so reluctant to take judicial notice that the government is always right?
The list of grievous government mistakes and miscalculations is both endless and notorious. Catching and correcting those mistakes is one of the most important functions of an independent judiciary.
And throughout history, the people who held government to account have always been regarded as heroes – not subversives.
When our government serially pays out billions of dollars to apologize for unthinkable historic violations of human rights and security – how can we possibly presume that today’s government “experts” are infallible?
Nobody is infallible.
And nobody who controls other people’s lives – children’s lives – should be beyond scrutiny, or impervious to review”
This will have a monumental impact on court cases, in the very near future. The courts just admitted that the Gov can’t be trusted and are essentially forcing the Gov to provide evidence for their actions.
Frankly, the courts should have known better from day one! Had they done their jobs, and acted as a truly independent branch of Gov, we wouldn’t be in half the mess we’re in now.
But that’s all changing. We’re seeing many of the courts start to reaffirm their independence and instill some sanity back into our Governments. This is what should have happened from the beginning, but it didn’t.
For those people in the freedom movement, I’d like to offer this simple idea. Hold the Gov accountable using their own rules and laws against them – not yours. Don’t go into a court room and try to convince the judge that everything they’ve worked for in their entire adult careers has been a lie and that their legacy is invalid.
I don’t for a second, think you will ever achieve your desired outcome by implying that the courts legal apparatus is fraudulent and that you have no respect for it.
The freedom movement exists because of those who have suffered extensively from restrictions and mandates. This has resulted in panic and desperation for a legal remedy to allow them to get back what they have lost. This panic and desperation has led countless individuals to follow and rely on terrible legal information.
Just as the vaccine is dangerous and causing harm so to is the misleading legal information. Those who follow this derived legal path are sure to lose in court and many, have been, and will be subject to significant fines, large cost awards and perhaps even jail.
Be warry of anyone who has, in the past, been found to have published false and detrimental information.
I’d like to offer a few final thoughts on how I’ve been approaching the situation, we all find ourselves in, within the movement itself.
Focus on what do you control, and what you can influence. The goal of influence is to gain a measure of control. If you can’t control it or influence it, it’s often an irrelevant consumer of time and energy you can be using on things you can control.
Does what you’re doing, improve morale amongst your allies? If not, it may not be reasonable, responsible or a balanced course of action. Reconsider your plan.
Don’t Advocate violence, instead advocate in the name of self defense only. A threat is not the same as drawing a line in the sand.
Attack issues, not people directly or their character. It will facilitate respectful discourse, rather than lower morale within your circle of influence.
Paranoia is not a form of analysis. Not everyone is a government agent. Some people just draw on different life experiences and have a different idea or opinion.
There is a difference between someone’s intentions and their capabilities. Not everyone has the capabilities, no matter how well intended!
With a con, the con artist always promises the next big thing is just around the corner! We keep seeing evidence of this, and so far, all promises have failed to meet any expectations.
Finally, I want to reiterate what I’ve been saying for some time now. It’s time to be patient. By doing so, we allow the legal system to catch up to what we’ve been advocating for, all this time. In October, the Inquiry, into the Federal Government’s use of the Emergency Act, is going to start. It will be public, and it will satisfy the answer to one question: Was the Government justified to invoke the Emergency Act, Yes or No.
This Public Inquiry is about Accountability and also serves as a demonstration of the fortitude of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms.
When all levels of Government, law enforcement failed to protect the public, it was members of the public that took them all to task and have put us into a position where the people are using the system, to hold the government accountable, using the very legal system we have against them.
Its worth repeating Justice J.C. Corkery words:
And throughout history, the people who held government to account have always been regarded as heroes – not subversives.